Tuesday, January 1, 2013

News for January 1st!

Membership badge upgraded and new look!
Hi, penguins! A few days ago I got a one year membership, and my badge has been upgraded! I also got a new look!

I met Rockhopper and got the background
Hi, penguins! On the 28th of December I met Rockhopper! I already got the stamp last year. The bad thing is: he didn't add me as a friend! I got his background though.

His background.

Well, I hope you'll be lucky for him to add you. I have one more notice for you!

Pay Day January 2013!
Hi, penguins! Today is pay day for EPF agents and tour guides! You should see a mail notice and You will receive 250 coins if you are a tour guide, 250 coins if you are an EPF agent, 500 coins if you are both, like I am. Enjoy!

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