Saturday, March 9, 2013

More News!

Hi, penguins!

Guess what? I have more news! First of all, Puffle Hotel construction is here!

The new Penguin Style is out! I have a new shirt and player card design for the party!

I will be making my own COMICS! Check for my next post to read issue 1!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

So Much Going On!

Hi, penguins!

Sorry for the LONG delay (I promise no more major delays!). News!

First of all, the EPF is rising again! The Director was right!

The Quest for The Golden Puffle is back!

I have no idea why, but no you can joke at the Coffee Shop! Ain't that gonna be in April?

Check out the latest issue of the CP Times for news on the Puffle Party! Waddle On!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hollywood Party Sneak Peek!

Hi, penguins!

Today I found a sneak peak of the Hollywood Party by Spike Hike!

There is a star under him, so he must be a superstar. I can't wait! Less than two weeks! :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Apology To My Readers

I have an apology to make. I am falling behind with my updates because it may take me a long time to connect to the internet, and I still have to deal with school. So don't be surprised if I am late! :(

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hollywood Party Sneak Peak And Funny Dinosaur Bug!

Hi, penguins!

Check out the Hollywood Party sneak peak! We will be able to act in 3 different movies, and one of them could be Star Wars, because Disney bought Lucasfilm last October. Here is the sneak peak!

Also, I found a funny dino bug! You do a special action and then you turn into a dinosaur. If you want to have a clone that follows you, just transform back into a penguin. There are so many possible outcomes!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Prehistoric Party Countdown: 1 Week Left!

Hi, penguins!

GRUB! GRUB! GRUB! The Prehistoric Party is coming! It is about only a week before the seventeenth! I'm so excited! What are you most excited about? I can't wait to dig for dino eggs and become a dinosaur! Check out what Gary invented!

The Time Trekker!
Only about a week! I can't wait!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

News for January 1st!

Membership badge upgraded and new look!
Hi, penguins! A few days ago I got a one year membership, and my badge has been upgraded! I also got a new look!

I met Rockhopper and got the background
Hi, penguins! On the 28th of December I met Rockhopper! I already got the stamp last year. The bad thing is: he didn't add me as a friend! I got his background though.

His background.

Well, I hope you'll be lucky for him to add you. I have one more notice for you!

Pay Day January 2013!
Hi, penguins! Today is pay day for EPF agents and tour guides! You should see a mail notice and You will receive 250 coins if you are a tour guide, 250 coins if you are an EPF agent, 500 coins if you are both, like I am. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Arctic White!

Hi, penguins!

Today I logged in and got the item that everyone could get for today: ARCTIC WHITE! It will be cataloged January 2, 2013. Here is a pic!

Arctic White penguins are everywhere! Hope you like the new color! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday Party is Here!

Hi, penguins!

The Holiday Party is here! Here is a picture!

Have fun and Waddle on!*

*Sorry this is so short. I'm in a rush.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Custom Stamps!

Hi, penguins!

I make custom stamps! These are the stamps I made so far:

Dot: Be in the same room as Dot.

Jet Pack Guy: Be in the same room as Jet Pack Guy.

Rory: Be in the same room as Rory.

Walden0872: Be in the same room as me, Walden0872.

Do you like them? I will be making more soon! If you want a stamp of your own, please fill out the forum by replacing the italic text. Please fill it out in a comment.

Name: Penguin4916
Color: Green
Shape: Oval
Picture: Replace this text with your image

  • If you choose Blue, the only shape available is hexagon.
  • If you choose Red, the only shape available is triangle.
  • You can access all shapes if you choose Green.
  • There is no Yellow yet for my custom stamps.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

PSA Missions Available!

Hi, penguins!

Sorry I've Been Delayed with my posting. PSA Missions are in the Fun Stuff menu! Go to Fun Stuff and click the button that says "Play PSA Missions", or click here. Here is what it looks like!

Have fun playing these missions!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Homepage Coming Soon!

Hi, penguins!

A new homepage will come during the Holiday Party! Check it out!

What do you think? I can't wait! The end of 2012 will be AWESOME!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Hi, penguins!

Great news! I got my membership yesterday! :) I have a new look!

I have an igloo!

I cannot wait for the Holiday Party! Waddle on!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Aunt Arctic is the Director!

Hi, penguins!

The Blackout will end December 4! I shut down the solar laser, and the agents have been freed! Coolest of all, the rumor is true! Aunt Arctic is the Director! She told me to keep this secret a secret, so if you don't dare to look at the picture below, you don't have to.

The Director!

Pretty cool, huh? I'll see you December 4! Club Penguin is free!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

All Agents Kidnapped!

Attention, agents!

Watch your backs! All EPF agents are kidnapped! The temperatures have reached the minimum!

Everyone is on the board!

Gary, Dot, Rookie, Jet Pack Guy, and the Director are all kidnapped!

Alert! This might be the end of Club Penguin! But don't worry, Herbert will retreat by December 4.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

News for November 20!

Hi, penguins! I have news for today. Here it is!

Rookie Kidnapped!

Attention, agents!

We are losing agents! Rookie is kidnapped!

Rookie is on the board!

I found Rookie captured!

This is not good. We have little time to save the island. Jet Pack Guy will be kidnapped.

Idea possible to come true!

Hi, penguins! 

I am so excited! I suggested the Club Penguin team to decorate mini-games for parties, and they will discuss it! During the Holiday Party I will see if they will decorate at least one mini-game. Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dot Kidnapped!

Hi, penguins! Attention, agents!

Temperatures have dropped, and Dot has been kidnapped! Pictures here!

Dot is on the "Captured" board!

I I was on my way to Security Terminal 3 and I found her and Gary!

Stay on the lookout, agents. Rookie will be kidnapped next. We must defeat Herbert!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Operation Blackout Released!

Hi, penguins!

Operation Blackout has been released! I would like to have pictures but Herbert destroyed them. >:( Anyway, the EPF main headquarters got destroyed, so they made the underground resistance!

Herbert destroyed the pic!

Herbert has a lair to relax in!

Herbert destroyed the pic!

I made a plan to chase Herbert off the island.

The only picture that was not destroyed.

You can disguise as Klutzy of Herbert! Get into the lair!

You know I won't even bother with the pics.

Herbert costumes let you throw giant snowballs! There is much more! Play Club Penguin to find out!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Herbert Mascot!

Hi, penguins! Operation Blackout is tomorrow and Herbert's appearance has been confirmed! A picture from CP!

Well, enjoy! I  can't wait for tomorrow! See you then!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Operation: Blackout!

Hi, penguins! Sorry I have not been posting lately. As you probably all know, Operation Blackout is coming November 15. A few sneak peaks!

club herbert Operation Blackout Sneak Peeks
It looks like Herbert is planning to capture the EPF.

herbert operation blackout Operation Blackout Sneak Peeks
A view from a security camera in the Everyday Phoning Facility: A pair of glasses with Herbert's reflection in them. Those glasses are actually Gary's! Herbert has captured Gary!

Operation: Blackout is going to be exciting! Hope you enjoy it! Or as Herbert would say, "Enjoy it before I destroy it."